Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cool Blogs and translator!

We found a new translator for our blog! Chen! And to celebrate this, he translated this post for us to present to you some new great blogs! Check them out!

illZ wonG juZ a human trApped in thiz matrixY world... giveN an identity and charActer whicH he will reveAl in his bloG entrieZ, usiNg a brOken keyboArd.
Visit his blog if you want him to stop staring.

Sukie needs to take 2 credit hours of science to finish her accounting studies so she can juggle test tubes while making financial records of business transactions at her first job. Go wish her luck!

Vid Digger is so cool because it shows new and classic music videos with the songs lyrics! The blog has a movie theater feel to it, and shows music videos from Queen, The Bangles, Meat Loaf, The Cars, Biz Markie, Gwen Stefani, Snow Patrol, Wilber Pan, Michael Wang, and others. You will love it!

Xiaoxuan is a beautiful promising young teacher, half Singaporean & Half Taiwanese, who loves showing lots of photos on her blog, like a dragon smoking a used cigarette. Tell her we said hi!

I hope you enjoy our blog friends above! We will try not to keep you waiting long for our next video.


Blogger denon61 said...

hmmm...i'm starting to feel that this blog is fake...i saw in youtube ur newest video,It's A Perfect Day but whats taking u all so long to put it in this blog???

3:35 AM  
Blogger sukie said...

Holy cow! I'm feel special! Thanks guys!

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys need to blog more too. . I saw your chinese blog and we (english) folks aren't getting as much love as the chinese folks.

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so glad u got a new translator! looking forward 2 your new video
wo ai you both!!!lol
your big fans XD

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, congratulations on a new translator!

I was having such a crappy weekend because of all this work that I have to do for the end of the semester and watching your videos totally cheered me up. So go you guys, again!

11:30 PM  
Blogger b o o said...

hey boys :-X

5:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

are u being serious man. That video is so bad that you ow me 30 bucks for watching it. I nearly thru up. And no finger pointing thats gay.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi.... first of all thanks for doing those videos....they actually help me...whenever i'm depressed or sad (which is almost always), i watch them and cheer up.... they're really funny...Thanks again...

12:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

OMG! are you really the REAL backdorm boys, if u r, you guys are totally awsome, if your not, you still are awsome!

6:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

OMG, okay I had know idea where to comment you.....again but I finally downloaded every single video of you guys on my psp. Isn't that so totally awsome.

2:41 PM  

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